
Training Group Inc. offers a diverse range of exclusive, high-quality IN-PERSON or ONLINE training workshops, seminars, and conference breakout sessions for any of your events. Topics include:

  • Assertiveness in the Workplace
  • Communicating with Confidence
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • I Landed the Interview... Now What?
  • Now Hear This: Strategic Listening in the Workplace
  • Now That's Funny! Making Your Work and Life More Fun
  • Practicing Good Judgment
  • Speaking with Sparks: Speaking to Five or Five Hundred


Review our menu below to pinpoint the PERFECT TRAINING PROGRAM for you and those in your organization. Contact us to complete your booking!


Assertiveness in the Workplace (Half day)

It can be tricky demonstrating assertiveness in the workplace. With this program, you will develop assertive skills that will enhance your ability to communicate more clearly and confidently to deal even with difficult people. You will learn to choose assertive words to use in direct, honest, and appropriate ways and communicate with strength and sensitivity. 



Communicating with Confidence (Half day)

We communicate all the time, every day, but how many of us communicate as EFFECTIVELY as we would like?  This workshop dives generally into what we can do to become better, more effective communicators, both at work and at home.  You will learn communication truths and differences between interaction styles. Everyone will walk away with useful tips for improvement.


Customer Satisfaction (Full day)

If they are doing it right, companies understand that their customers are the lifeblood of the business. This workshop invests in nurturing the folks who sustain your organization's mission. Some covered topics include setting the mood for success, building rapport to estabish long-lasting relationships, listening, dealing with difficult customers, using persuasive techniques effectively (and ethically), and working on teams to meet your customer service goals.




Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace (Half day)

Working effectively with varying and sometimes difficult personality types in the workplacefrom coworkers to bosses, customers to vendors, not always easy. In this session, participants will learn how to identify one's own emotions and those of others, avoid overreacting in emotionally charged situations, and gain the ability to harness emotions and channel them into problem-solving to maximize effectiveness in the workplace.




I Landed the Interview... Now What? (Half day)

Whether you are graduating, looking to change jobs, or applying for a promotion, you will need to know what to expect during this critical portion of your job search. This workshop addresses differentiating between the types of interviews, anticipating pre-screenings, preparing for face-to-face interviews, negotiating salary, asking the right questions, participating in mock interviews, and much more. Participants will walk away with valuable, applicable knowledge on how to be best prepared to land their ideal job.




Now Hear This: Strategic Listening in the Workplace (Half day)

We spend hours a day listening, be it to coworkers, family, friends, customers, supervisors, and even strangers. How effective are your listening skills? Your staff’s? Attend this workshop to learn simple strategies you can utilize to become a better listener. You’ll be glad you heard about it!




Now That's Funny! Making Your Work and Life More Fun (Half day)

If you believe laughter is the best medicine, you won't want to miss this workshop. You'll learn to use humor to improve your health, your relationships, and your job. Come prepared with your favorite humorous stories and quotes!




Practicing Good Judgment (Half day)

Decision-making is a process, big or small, good or bad. Participants in this workshop will walk away with various strategies for making the most effective decisions in a given situation. This training will outline exercising good judgment and overcoming the challenges that come about with making a less-than-stellar decision.




Speaking with Sparks: Speaking to Five or Five Hundred (One and a half days)

One of the most powerful skills to possess is the capability of giving an effective presentation. This will assist you in many areas of your life, whether leading to a job promotion, increasing respect among peers, improving self-confidence, or even delivering a compelling toast at a wedding. This workshop addresses overcoming speech anxiety, building the presentation, handling difficult audiences, adding humor, and much more! This training is a "can't miss" for anyone who desires to reduce their fear of public speaking!




It's About Time!

Time Management at Home

and at Work (Half day)

Using your time efficiently is so important throughout the day. During this training, participants will discuss some of the biggest time-wasters and how to avoid them. They will walk away with tools to keep themselves on track and secrets to gaining not just minutes, but possibly even hours throughout the week.






Are you interested in a topic or specialized presentation not on our menu? Do you want to combine topics to design a full day or so of training? Contact us, and we will collaborate with you to create the perfect program for the people in your organization. 




Training Workshop Rates*

Number of People

Half Day


Full Day


One and a Half Days

Two Days

Up to 7









Up to 14









Up to 21









Up to 28









Up to 35











Contact us for pricing. Contact us for  pricing. Contact us for pricing. Contact us for  pricing.

*Travel expenses will be added to locations outside of 75 miles of zip code 46202, billed to clients.

 Contact Us:

Phone: 1.317.244.5233